Sunday, April 29, 2007

FW gas Pipline/ Exelon mishandles crisis

On April 24,2007 a gas pipeline in Fort Worth Erupted into flames. The pipline is owned by Dallas Based Energy Transfer and the transfer station is owned by Exelon. Well its hard to make a comparason on how the dallas morning news handled the crisis and how Exeloncorp handled it. Exeloncorp seems to not even be talking about it. The newspaper stressed that no one lost any energy service and no one was hurt. The problem was taken care of quickly.
Exelon has a really nice layout for their website. Its easy to navigate and has a handy search function on the first page. It lists all their saftey precautions and concerns. There is even a news release link. Then its divided up into different kinds of news releases. So with all this organization you think that this pipeline erupting and shooting fire about 100 feet into the air would warrent a press release, but no the only press release I could find for April 23, 2007 *the date of the actual incident* were "green" related stories. I guess earth day was the influence there and that's fine, but they obviously should have responded to this problem on their website. Now I found a few cricis issues when I was looking around on the web but a lot of the companies didnt have a website which surprised me. So I ended up choosing this recent issue, but the company had a wonderful website they just didn't respond.
I found this project a littel frustrating. I found an crisis where a toddler in waco was founding holding a cocaine bag. I was thought this would be an interesting study. Then i found out the place where child was there was no website for. Wow way to respond haha. I could only find stories covering the incident but no follow up and no website. I guess this should send a NEED a website to handle crisis in this day and age.

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